Student Honesty Certificate

The mission of Eskişehir Osmangazi University is to promote creative and critical thinking, innovation and leadership by appraising global, regional and local values for human, humanity and the universe, to produce valid and usable information that can both describe the truth and be transformed to the benefit of human, society and humanity by making researches at the international level, to transfer information and disseminate it.

Eskisehir Osmangazi University, with the education given within the framework of its mission, educates individuals owning and living its corporate values, free, caring the ethical values, having a local background, having a tradition, developing a global, universe and environmental consciousness, fulfilling all kinds of responsibilities with the morality of knowledge, ability, experience, self-confidence .

The members of Eskisehir Osmangazi University adopt the ’’Eskişehir Osmangazi University Honor Principle’’ presented below:

‘’All members of Eskisehir Osmangazi University are honorable; teaching staff, administrative staff and students, as reliable and responsible people, only take on and deserve the deserved success and dignity; they act honestly and fairly in the use, evaluation and presentation of the documents, information and data.’’

Eskisehir Osmangazi University students, as a member of the university, from the moment they register, are committed to adhere to the ethical values and principles of the university, the Honor Principle, and the Student Integrity Certificate.

The Rights of Students at Eskisehir Osmangazi University

Eskişehir Osmangazi University student's rights as a member of the university are as follows:

  1. Students have the right to take their courses announced in the training programs in a suitable environment, on time and from the responsible instructor.
  2. Students take courses which are prepared with the course tools and equipment required by the modern education and training, in a well-equipped classroom environment.
  3. An effort is made to ensure that students learn freely about the highest academic standards of the profession or discipline.
  4. Students' rights and freedoms are under guarantee.
  5. The exams for the students' progress in education and their progress are applied in contemporary environments with the appropriate measurement systems for science and technique.
  6. Students have the right to object to the results of the examination in accordance with the legislation, the exercise of this right in no way distress the student.
  7. Teaching staff respect their students as students, and they become impartial and fair in their approaches and evaluations. No student can be subject to discrimination based on gender, ethnic group, religion, sect, thought, personal and physical appearance.
  8. Teaching staff do not have the attitude that will harm the dignity of the students, or the attitude that will make them like the profession or university less.
  9. Students with disabilities, due to their disabilities, are given the necessary assistance according to the support and legal regulations in order to eliminate the disadvantages of their obstacles in education and training.
  10. Confidential information of students cannot be shared with third parties except for legal requirements.
  11. Academic advisors fulfill their responsibilities towards the students with care.
  12. Teaching staff and administrators do not engage in any relationship or behavior involving students with exploitation, harassment or abuse.
  13. Teaching staff and administrators do not accept gifts from students.
  14. Teaching staff and administrators do not direct students to illegal or unethical conduct of society.
  15. Students cannot be used, manipulated, guided or grouped by instructors or administrators for political, religious, sect or personal hostility or purposes or in their internal problems.
  16. In order to internalize the students' professional ethic values, the instructors and administrators are exemplary with their attitudes and behaviors.
  17. Teaching staff and administrators adopt and apply an approach that encourages their students to make evaluations that take into account different dimensions and sides, to be tolerant of the ideas they do not agree with, and to form their own opinions based on sound evidence and logic.
  18. Students can perform all kinds of social, cultural, sportive and educational activities provided that they comply with the general moral principles of the society and within the scope of the legislation in order to ensure their social development and professional development. In this respect, teaching staff and administrators support students within the university facilities and do not restrict, restrict or block university facilities.
  19. It is facilitated that students are organized into student clubs within the university. The activities of student clubs, which are written in their statutes and in accordance with the university rules, are supported and facilitated by the administrators and instructors.

Rights, Rules, and Principles to Be Followed by Students of Eskişehir Osmangazi University

A student of Eskişehir Osmangazi University carries the honor and ethical values of being a member of the university. Accordingly;

  1. The student must respect the institutional structure and identity, rules, academic life, production of knowledge, and the ethical values of universities in general and Eskişehir Osmangazi University specifically. 
  2. Students are required to protect the educational environment individually or as a group and not to harm or create problems for education, and cannot display an obstructive attitude or behaviors towards the education process.
  3. The student behaves respectfully and attentively towards educators, personnel, and other students during lessons and in the educational environment.
  4. The student cannot take part in behaviors, attitudes, speeches, or implications that will disrupt the peaceful working environment of the lecturers, students, and staff, or which will infringe upon their freedoms or cause a disturbance.
  5. Students cannot display behaviors that lower the quality of education or reduce effectiveness in lessons or in the educational environment such as speaking off-topic, being preoccupied with irrelevant matters, using a telephone, listening to music, reading irrelevant materials, sleeping, entering and leaving the educational area, leaving the lesson without permission, creating trouble, belittling or mocking the lecturer or the lesson.
  6. Students complete the tasks assigned to them individually or as a group by their lecturers within the scope of the educational program.
  7. Students do not harm the educational environment or the tools and equipment contained therein, and they do not use them beyond their intended use.
  8. Students do not purposefully and without permission damage, use, or attempt to use computers and other equipment beyond their intended purposes, which are education and accessing information.
  9. Students cannot blame without basis, defame, insult, or humiliate lecturers, cannot imitate lecturers in the presence of a third party,  and cannot use or direct social media or media organizations, groups, parties, non-governmental organizations that they are members of or that they are close to.
  10. Students cannot display attitudes or behaviors or speak or act in ways that are banned by legal regulations.
  11. Students do not engage in meetings, actions or collaborations with the representatives and extensions of terrorist and terrorist-sponsoring organizations on university grounds or in university institutions.
  12. Students show full respect and diligence towards academic honesty, which is described below.

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty encompasses conducting original works in the tasks they carry out, sharing ideas, documents or the findings of others only on condition that they refer to the source as required, and using their own knowledge, ability and work in their knowledge and in measuring knowledge.

Infringements of academic honesty are as follows:

Plagiarism: Purposefully or unintentionally taking others’ thoughts, views, results, findings, and documents and using them without showing their sources and presenting them as one’s own.

Presenting or submitting all or part of a study, an assignment, or a project which was done by oneself previously or for another purpose as an assignment, report, or dissertation without giving the source.

Using sources that do not include the information or data that are used in a collective manner. Kaynak kullandığı bilgi ya da veriyi içermeyen kaynakları toplama yolla kaynakça olarak kullanmak.

Completing academic studies, assignments, reports, dissertations and other such tasks on other students’ behalf or sharing the work with others.

Behaving in ways that aim to gain unfair advantage; getting a fake medical report or permission of absence document in order to gain extra time or get an unfair make-up opportunity.

Acting with the aim of attempting to gain or gaining the right to pass or register for a lesson in exchange for personal gain.

Creating or using fake documents (reference letter, medical report, proficiency document/score, exam paper, transcript, etc.)

Signing another student’s name or submitting a document for another student in lessons or in exams.

Taking an exam on another student’s behalf or having someone else take an exam on one’s own behalf.

Cheating: All sorts of attempts and actions intended to secretly use unpermitted sources while answering questions in exams are defined as cheating. Every item below falls into the definition of cheating. Helping or allowing someone else to cheat is as blameable as cheating.

Looking at another student’s paper during an exam.

Looking at another student’s paper during an exam and copying his or her answers.

Talking to other students during an exam.

Sharing information, sources, or notes in any way during an exam.

Writing down or photographing the questions and/or the answers during an exam and taking them outside the exam area.

Sending the questions to or getting the answers from someone else during an exam via mobile phone or any other technological devices.

Writing notes related to the exam content on desks, walls, equipments, the student’s own body, or on anything else present during the exam.

Getting someone else to complete academic work in his/her place, working with other students to complete work that needs to be done individually.

Taking reports or documents such as assignments or projects which have been prepared by someone else and submitting them to the lecturer as his/her own work.

Gaining an unfair advantage:  Students cannot behave in ways that would give them an unfair advantage in the university:

  1. They do not continue answering exam questions after the exam duration has ended and the examiner has warned them.
  2. They do not obstruct their fellow students’ work in their assignments, exams or projects.
  3. They do not damage educational tools such as library resources, computers, laboratory equipments, and so on in an endeavor to prevent or restrict their fellow students’ or lecturers’ usage of them.
  4. They do not behave in such ways that would obstruct someone else’s assignments, books, exam papers, notes, experiments, or projects.
  5. Failing to correct a lecturer’s error which causes one to gain an unfair advantage despite having noticed it is a procurement of an unfair advantage.
  6. They do not make any changes on or tinker with an assignment or exam paper which has already been graded.
  7. They do not display behaviors such as having another student sign one’s name, signing another student’s name, or submitting a document in another student’s place.
  8. They do not disregard those who gain unfair advantages.


The Eskişehir Osmangazi University Student Integrity Certificate has been prepared based on the Regulation on Student Disciplinary of the Higher Education Institutions.

(Resmi Gazete, 18.08.2012, Sayı No: 28388

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