Eskisehir Osmangazi University is based on the ethical values and their continuity in the overall function of the university in order to achieve and improve its mission.
Academic Freedom and Autonomy
Academic freedom and academic autonomy are indispensable core values of the university.
Academic freedom refers to the freedom of teaching staff, individually or collectively, in seeking, investigating, discussing, producing, instructing, acquiring verbally or in written form, developing and communicating information
Academic freedom covers every member and academic activity within Eskisehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU). In this essence, ESOGU adopts the basic ideas that form the content of The Lima Declaration (1988), UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel (1997), Recommendation of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly on Academic Freedom and University Autonomy (2006), Council of Higher Education Declaration of Academic Freedom (2013).
The limits to academic freedom and autonomy in Eskisehir Osmangazi University are advocacy of terrorism or violence that threaten the university concept and in particular the existence of EOGU and the speech of racism, ideological chauvinism, religious discrimination, sectarianism and hate.
Academic autonomy refers to the independence of higher education institutions in making decisions on the internal procedures, financial and administrative affairs, and in making self-policies for training, research, external studies and other related activities.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity refers to adhere to the principles of integrity, trust, fairness, equity, respect and responsibility in operationalising the academic missions.
It is the main responsibility to adhere to the value of integrity and ethical principles in any academic or administrative activity in ESOGU.
Merit Principle
It is essential to select, appoint or assign an individual according to the evaluation that is based on both the required standards for a job, task or title, and the ability, qualification, knowledge, experience and integrity level of the individual.
The staff uses its power of discretion in line with the public interest and service requirement, disregarding the arbitrariness and in accordance with the principles of impartiality and equality
The staff cannot treat or act towards natural or legal persons as prioritised, privileged, biased and violate the principles of equality; cannot engage in any action aimed at the benefit or harm of any political party, person or group; cannot inhibit legal policies, decisions and actions of public authorities
The staff acts on the service requirements knowing that service is a duty over any personal or private interests; neither does treat the beneficiaries badly, nor does neglect them, nor does employ double standards, nor does take sides.
Awareness of Public Service in Task Fulfilment
The university staff prioritises continuing professional development, participation, transparency, impartiality, integrity, public interest, accountability, predictability, legitimacy and declaration of trust in the fulfilment of public services.
The university staff neither can use nor make use of any public buildings, vehicles, other service goods and resources except for public purposes and services; protects them and takes necessary measures to keep them ready for service at any time.
Commitment to Service Standards
University executives and staff conduct public services in accordance with the established standards and procedures; inform the beneficiaries about the service and procedures throughout the service period.
Commitment to the Objectives and Mission
University staff behaves in accordance with the declared objectives and mission of the university and acts in line with the national interests, social welfare and mission/vision of the university.
Responsibility and Accountability
It is an indispensable responsibility for each member to sustain institutional peace, mutual courtesy and respect in the universe of university.
The staff is responsible for fulfilling any kind of scientific, administrative and other tasks with the required quality and quantity.
The staff who uses public resources are obliged to ensure transparency in their use, how and to what extent the task is fulfilled.
The university executives take the authorised and necessary measures on time to prevent processes or actions which are not in line with the institutional objectives and policies
The university executives take the necessary measures to prevent the negligence or corruption by the authorised staff. These measures include operating legal and administrative regulations, conducting appropriate educational and informative practices, being careful about the financial and other difficulties of the staff, and serving as models for the staff with their personal behaviour.
The university executives are charged with providing the staff with appropriate training on the principals of ethical behaviour, monitoring compliance with these principles and providing guidance in ethical behaviour.
The staff is obliged to notify the authorised body of the real estates and movable goods of his/hers, his/her spouse and the children under their custody by the provisions set out for debits and credits.
Non-Discrimination and Respect for Others
University staff respects differences; it does not allow discrimination based on race, language, religion, gender, ethnicity or other reasons. It shows the same sensitivity for issues such as sexual harassment, violence and mobbing.
The University staff treats superiors, colleagues, subordinates and those benefiting from the service kindly and it shows the necessary attention to them. If the issue is out of the authority, it will be referred to the relevant unit or authority.
Avoiding Conflict Of Interest
Conflict of interest; means to possess any kind of actual or potential benefit or any financial or other kind of actual or potential personal interest that affects or seemingly affects the duties of the staff to be performed impartially and objectively and that is provided or may be provided to the staff, their relatives, friends or associated real or legal persons.
University staff is obliged to make all kinds of interests outside the institution in accordance with the legal regulations and to declare this openly in the required environments.
University staff has personal responsibility for conflict of interest and act carefully about conflict of interest and take necessary steps to avoid it. As soon as they become aware of the conflict of interest, they inform their superiors of the situation and keep themselves away from the interests that are defined as conflict of interest. University staff cannot benefit from and mediate in favor of themselves, their relatives or third parties by using their duties, titles and authorities; they cannot do discrimination or favoritism for relatives, spouses, friends, compatriots, clannism, and political nepotism for any reason.
Fundamental Human Rights Protection
The university staff protects the fundamental rights and freedoms that exist in the Constitution and the laws, and respects the individual differences and the dignity and personalities of all individuals.
Respect to Nature, Environment and Art
University staff acts sensitively to all assets in nature, environment and art.
At Eskişehir Osmangazi University;
- No authority or position can consciously ignore or hide resulted scientific research.
- Every researcher has the right to carry out research and share the results of his / her research in accordance with ethical principles in line with his / her own preferences and interests.
- The results of any research carried out are published and announced freely in relevant professional and scientific environments if there are no scientific and professional privacy requirements. In cases where studies should be announced or published in general media and social media, announcement and publicity shall be made in accordance with the ethical values and principles of the university.
During research activities, the teaching staff at the university;
In education-teaching activities, the teaching staff;
In management activities, university teaching staff;
In the activities carried out for the benefit of society; university teaching staff:
University staff;
Declaration to Authorized Authorities
The academic and administrative staff of the university notify the situation if they are aware of such action while they are performing their duties, or when they are requested to perform illegal activities or actions that do not comply with the principles of ethical conduct set out in this directive. In the notification, complaints and announcements that are to be made in accordance with Article 4 of Law No. 3071 in the Use of Right of Petition, corresponding complaint, name and surname, signature, business or residence address of the notifier must be included. Notices, complaints and announcements not containing the name, surname and signature, business or residence address of the notifier are not examined.