Knowledge, Science And University

The first understanding is the knowledge that is formed in human beings from the moment of their first contact with the existence. Systematized information is considered as scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge is produced through methods such as observation, experimentation, measurement, and mind.  Scientific information can explain the event or entity function in the most convenient and acceptable way. In this respect, the basic characteristics of scientific knowledge are that it is universal, testable, criticized and falsifiable. Scientific knowledge can only be produced in the scientific environment and in the researches of scientists who know and apply meticulously the methodology of science and respect ethical principles and values.

The University is an autonomous research center and education center that studies both theoretical and practical knowledge covering all kinds of knowledge and seeks, produces and disseminates knowledge.

Besides scientific knowledge, there are other types of knowledge; artistic knowledge, everyday knowledge, religious knowledge, philosophical knowledge. The University has to consider, evaluate and discuss all kinds of information and ways of obtaining information in the historical experience which has been developed and continued to develop since the emergence of existence.

Eskişehir Osmangazi University;

  • Read the Universe with questions aimed at truth and usefulness; searches for local, regional, global and universal answers that individuals, societies, and nature may exist in harmony; produces information. It transmits and disseminates the existing and produced information; gives training.
  • Works on all types of knowledge and ways to obtain knowledge; It uses the methodology in the scientific sense to produce scientific knowledge in all its methods, and evaluates other types of information and knowledge by evaluating them within their historical experiences.
  • While taking, processing, producing and transferring information, it takes into account not only the solutions developed and presented by the dominant world, but also the dynamics of culture and civilization of other geographies and the geography they exist. It is in the effort of knowledge and education aiming at the benefit of all humanity, which is non-passive, efficient, and original.
  • Is an art, culture, idea and moral environment where all ideas and problems are freely discussed by the teaching staff and the students.

Eskişehir Osmangazi University;

  • All institutions and boards shall respect and support research and education under scientific principles and ethical principles. All the problems that delay or undermine research and education are obliged to be solved by the ones responsible and in cooperation with other units.
  • Is an environment where those different from the majority in terms of ethnicity, race, social identity, gender, sexual identity, religion, sect, sect, community, language, dialect, physical characteristics, political and ideological views will never experience uneasiness because of these differences.
  • It is unacceptable for academic or administrative staff to act in accordance with their social and political preferences when fulfilling their obligations under or outside the university.
  • is determined not to allow any form of injustice and oppression within its structure.
  • adopts an understanding of management and teaching, which is equally important in expressing the views and problems of those who remain in the minority or whose voice is weak.
  • Every member has the right to exist equally. Each academic or administrative officer shall ensure that his or her views, attitudes and differences will not be despised by others and will not be disadvantaged in any way.
  • It takes utmost care to ensure and maintain these conditions on matters requiring transparency or confidentiality in the name of human and public interest, whether or not it is qualified by the rules of law.
ESOGÜ Araştırma Çip Organ play

ESOGÜ Araştırma Çip Organ

29 January 2025

ESTEM-MEMS ve Doku Müh. Birimi Sorumlusu - Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliği Bölümü öğr. üyesi Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Avcı